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Rayapuram News & Events

Oath Taking Ceremony of the Parliament Leaders

Rayapuram Navajeevana Children’s parliament Ministers proudly pronounced their promises in front of the big gathering consists of Councilor, Local police authorities, Local priests, headmistress, Health Inspectors, Directress and team members of Navajeevana and CDEW, NGO representatives , well wishers and friends. After all the preparations the parliament leaders understood their roles and representatives and each one promised to do their best. Do you know who are these ministers,? All of them humbly confess their early states. I was beggar, rack picker, running in the street and living in the open air, platform dwellers etc , etc. Today all of are very proud to say I am the Prime Minister, deputy prime minister etc. They in turn in their best capacity try to accomplish their role mandate. We find lots of changes in the lives of the leaders and members. Every week they have the Parliament meetings in which they bring for the Issue of their portfolio. One could notice lots of changes in the lives of this parliament ministers and members. Thanks goes to Mrs. Sharlet who come every week to animate our children.